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Sponsored by the Children's Forum and the State of Florida, Division of Early Learning.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that approximately one in five young children will demonstrate a behavioral or developmental issue prior to age five. Early identification and intervention is the key to ensuring that children with specific challenges receive the help or therapy needed prior to Kindergarten.

Help Me Grow Hillsborough provides caregivers access to free developmental screening. Families are able to complete an Ages and Stages Questionnaire online by clicking on one of the ASQ icons at the bottom of this page.  The ASQ helps explore development across the following areas:

  1. Communication
  2. Gross Motor
  3. Fine Motor
  4. Personal Social  (self-help)
  5. Problem Solving
  6. Social Emotional (ASQ SE version)

The Help Me Grow Community Outreach Coordinator is able to provide caregivers with enrichment activities and help with connections to programs in the community. Help Me Grow is for all families, whether there is a concern or not.   Screening through Help Me Grow provides an opportunity to see how the child is progressing and if there are needs for extra support.

For more information about Help Me Grow, please contact Lori Reyes, Community Outreach Coordinator at 813-922-8807 or email.  For more information about available services and supports in Hillsborough County, families can also call 2-1-1.